As I hinted in a recent post about learning to balance time for others and time for myself, I have been cutting back on my outside jobs a bit so that I can focus on my own site. Not any just plain ole blog, this is a social community site for homemakers – The Untrained Housewife.
I cannot tell you how excited I am to have this site up and running – When I called for a few testers I had an amazing response! We have over three dozen authors now contributing to the site, sharing the tidbits of knowledge from generations past. The things that used to be handed down matter-of-fact but rather got lost in the midst of the sexual revolution.
The heart of the site is two-fold. One – I want to help enable women (and a surprising number of engaged stay-at-home dads or involved fathers) to manage their households well. It amazed me how I could be so succesful at web writing, teaching a class or speaking aloud in front of a large audience – yet be completely defeated by the mountain of laundry. You can read more about this desire, and my true confessional, in the Heart of the Untrained Housewife essay.
Two – I wanted to help women be successful in telling their stories. Following in the footsteps of Kelby, founder of the Type-A-Mom Network of websites, I hope that I’ve created a community environment that will give women a chance to express themselves, and earn some money at the same time. Writers who contribute to the site get 50% of the adsense impressions on their Google Adsense account.
I’ve been blessed to have three wonderful editors jump on board early in the game so we are nailing down our house style already. I need to make sure, too, that everyone knows I did not do the header design – that credit goes all to April, of Creations by Kethaera. Her graphic design ability is amazing.
So – There it is, all official and in black and white. Because that makes it real. Hard to believe! It’s been awhile in the making but sometimes dreams take a lot of time and hard work to bring to fruition.
Angela <><
Lisa says
congratulations, it’s beautiful.
Moe says
frelle says
I love it, and the inspiration for it. I too am an untrained housewife, always feeling so far behind in what I ought to know or be able to do/manage. Thank you!!