Angela’s Note – Susan Payton is the Managing Partner of Egg Marketing & Public Relations, an internet marketing firm specializing in blogger outreach, social media, and PR. She is also the blogger behind The Marketing Eggspert Blog. She’s written two books: 101 Entrepreneur Tips and Internet Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs, as well as several ecourses […]
Wilderness Wallflowers and Drive-By Blogging – Ten Habits of Success Day 15
Angela’s Note: I was trying to remember when I met Danny Brown and I couldn’t. I’m sure it was through Twitter so it must have been through a #journchat chat or one of the other chats I like to sit in on. Regardless of the when, I have found his advice and input to be […]
Remember Your Value – Ten Habits Day 14
Angela’s Note: Julie Roads stepped in last-minute to speak at a Problogging panel at Type-A-Mom Blog Conference with me last year, and in the process I discovered a kindred spirit. We both have very clear ideas about valuing ourselves as writers so I immediately thought of her to share with you. She ghostwrites, blogs for […]
The Slight Edge Principle for Bloggers – Ten Habits Day 13
I love the book, the Slight Edge. It helps remind me that success isn’t a single huge feat of daring do. Far more often it is the little, consistent things that add to over time. It is those things which are easy to do. And easy to NOT do. For example, it is easy to […]
Overcome Obstacles – Ten Habits Day 12
Many writers will use a marathon analogy here. I hate running. I am humbled by many of you of who hit the pavement and run the track or whatever the proper lingo is for running. I choose to think of overcoming obstacles with a FOOTBALL analogy! Because that’s just how I roll. For those of […]
7 Day Focus To More PR For Your Business – Ten Habits Day 11
Angela’s Note – John Sternal (@SternalPR) is a veteran PR practitioner who’s helped many small businesses obtain media exposure on a national level. He’s the co-founder of, the #smbiz Twitter chat for small business, and has authored The PR Toolkit for small business. This is a blog post to print out and tack on […]
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