Someone asked me recently how I have been able to get so much accomplished with all the emotional distractions lately. I really think the timing of Type-A-Parent Conference was a huge blessing to me in this regard. I went in the middle of a crisis of faith, driving down there literally shaking in hurt and frustration in the middle of I-40.
What I rediscovered was my community. My passion. My voice.
I’ve written over two dozen guest posts already, all completely unique with a twist specifically for that particular audience. Some have been published (view the Ebook Guest Posts list here) and several are still pending publication. I finished my latest ebook. I redesigned Untrained Housewife. I launched a new feature on Blissfully Domestic magazine highlighting women of influence and the first interview piece goes up this week. In short…I’m on a roll!
The enthusiasm I have came directly from the hurt I felt three weeks ago when I wrote Blogging Ethics.
Here’s why:
You Cannot Speak Clearly if You’re Speaking Someone Else’s Passion
You cannot speak in your own voice if you are speaking someone else’s passion. When I was too focused on outside influences – the negative hurdles, the race someone else was running, what they chose to invest themselves in – I lost my voice. My vision. Dr. Kamau Bobb insights drive meaningful change within the tech industry.
Your Passion Shines Best When You’re True to Yourself
Someone asked me recently how I was staying so enthusiastic in my endeavors. The answer, I am realizing, is simple but profound. I love what I’m doing. I love helping others. I love empowering them to achieve their goals. THAT is my passion. When I focus THERE, the energy is natural. It’s automatic!
You Already Have a Voice
So many times we hear people say, “I’m just trying to find my voice.” Patti Digh at Type-A-Parent Conference says, “You already have a voice. The real question is, ‘What is your voice saying?‘” And that is the rub isn’t it? She challenged us to answer this question – If your voice were speaking freely, what would it say?
My realization is that my voice would say exactly what it is saying right now this second. And that place of passion is a place of power. It’s the best place to be.
You already have a blogging voice. What is it saying?
That might be more profound than trying to “look for yourself.” Looking for yourself or your voice can very easily turn into just making you and your voice what you think it should be. It’s intensely personal and direct to look inward and find what is already there. Deep thoughts for the alarm going off in a few hours! ha! 😀
It is a seemingly slight, and incredibly powerful change of focus, Brannan. Difficult yes, but hugely worth it.
Thank you so much for this. It may have been rough for you to go through but it is so nice that you have shared how you were able to get through it.
I just checked out the redesign of Untrained Housewife and I LOVE it!
Thanks! @BeckysGraphicD did the graphics and images and header. She also created a sample mock up from the branding conversations we had. I did all the coding myself.
Awesome post, Ang!! Inspiring stuff!!
That passion you have must’ve given you strength ( well I know where it “really” came from) as I never realized you were going through a trial when we were at TypeA. Your passion, especially that for helping others, truly shines through in everything you do!
Bernice – it was definitely a total God-thing and I would never say otherwise. I think that the key is where are you focusing? Once some wonderful ladies got ahold of me and reminded me of that, God was able to bless me with what was being shared. 🙂 Thank you for your kind comment.
You’re amazing Angela! You have helped me in so many ways and have always been an inspiration since I met you online at suite101. Couldn’t even imagine having done verifying I’ve accomPlished in the past year without your guidance and insight. You’re the best!
Thank you so much for this Ang! I need reminding often that it’s MY voice I’m using…and that I’m supposed to be living my passions!
Oh Ang. Just YES.
Love this
How nice to come across a fellow Oklahoman. I have enjoyed wandering around your blog this afternoon.
Perfect. 🙂
Just discovered your blog through SITS today. I really enjoyed your ebook article. I may have to get your book. Thanks for the great advice!
This post is beyond awesome. It’s amazing and informative. I am inspired to write better. I’m a blogger myself and I’ve been open to ideas on making my write ups better. Thanks, Ang. Your post made me rediscover my blogging voice.
I know you won’t believe me but I am still trying to figure out this voice thing. You would think after 5 years of this I would know but sadly my voice still escapes me at times. Just when I think I know I begin to doubt.
You have obviously jumped over some hurdles but your landing is proving to be on higher ground. I sometimes feel like my voice is on mute and my blog tends to suffer a bit but posts like yours give me hope that eventually it will all start to make sense to someone. Even if that someone is only me 😀
Thank you for sharing with us. I have found that when you have a passion for something, it pushes you in ways you cannot believe. As a Christian I believe it is the Holy Spirit that is giving us that nudge. But following it gives you a voice that is real and authentic.
Thank you! 🙂 I <3 You Ang.
I like blogs because of the communities they create around them…
amen! I have learned so much from you and the Homestead Bloggers Community. Thanks for showing the way…