Taking Action on Your Blog for Better Traffic, Revenue, and Writing Have you ever been to a conference and listened to someone tell you about their success story, but they never really gave you the action items you needed to help you move yourself forward? Maybe you know that you could be doing a better […]
Ebooks to Hone Your Focus
Have you ever noticed that when you sit down to chat with a friend you ramble, shift topics, leave stories unfinished, and cover an incredible amount of ground, often without saying anything of actual meaning? Contrast that with a speaking gig and the quality of the presentation you give and you’ll see how an ebook […]
Ten Tips for Monetizing Your Blogging Through Affiliate Sales
This post was written as part of the Blog Hop Conference at Home and you can check out the other 2 dozen + conference sessions being offered at Blog Conference Newbie’s Blop Hop Conference Agenda! Something that has been coming up a lot recently is whether affiliate sales is useful for bloggers, or is a waste […]
Blogging As a Business or As a Job?
I heard an interesting comment on a Clay Collins mentorship call the other day. He said that many bloggers come online with a “job” mentality. They want to know if they work X number of hours and do X amount of tasks what will they make. That’s a job. Blogging for Yourself is a Business […]
Worthy of Hire – Pay or No Pay for Bloggers?
“The laborer is worthy of his hire.” ~Luke 10:7 There has a lot of conversation in the past few months about blogging as a business and what bloggers can charge for various things. Whether they SHOULD charge for things. How much they should charge. Why some bloggers don’t make money and whether bloggers who “work […]
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