This is the part of blogging that I love – collaboration and communication! Really…it’s fabulous to me to connect with other bloggers, offer them a guest post opportunity, stumble their link, leave a comment or introduce a couple bloggers who might benefit from touching base with eachother. I cannot count the number of times I have passed along a writing, blogging or other opportunity (even book opps!) to fellow bloggers because I KNEW what they were about.
This is where speaking up, shaking hands (even if virtually) and making some connections can be so valuable. So that if a friend hears about an opportunity for a pet blogger they won’t say “I do not write about animals” and hit delete, but will think “Oh this would be perfect for Lorie” and hit the forward button. I do a lot of this as Editor-in-Chief of Blissfully Domestic, and at Untrained Housewife, where I’m able to pass along review, interview and other opportunities to my columnists.
In addition to commenting on eachother’s blogs or helping to promote via social bookmarking sites (also known as “link love”) connecting with another blogger can help motivate and encourage you. Do you have another blogger in your niche topic area that you can partner with? I remember reading an article once about a group of five individuals who created a “Blog Alliance” for themselves. I think this is a fabulous idea.
Your challenge today is to introduce yourself to a blogger you’d like to partner with OR formalize a blog-buddy relationship with an existing friend. Darren’s suggestion in 31 Days to Build a Better Blog, is to find someone who’s blog is on a similar level as yours…..if you’re both extremely new, fairly established, or well established you’ll have similar challenges and better relate.
If you need help finding someone LET ME KNOW. I know literally hundreds of bloggers in the various venues I haunt and can probably make an introduction for you if necessary.
I saw a familiar name in this post…LOL.
I do have a blog buddy, actually a few but one in particular, that has been quite beneficial. We are at about the same stage in our blogging careers. Her blog is similar to but still quite a bit different than mine and they “feed” off of each other nicely. I’ve written guest posts for her and she’s written them for me. We visit and are active on each others facebook pages and through twitter and promote each other’s posts. It’s a win/win for both of us and it’s a win for our readers too, hers and mine.
So, needless to say, I think this idea is a great one!