Preparing to speak about the benefits of writing an ebook at Type-A-Parent Conference I wanted to share some of that information with you. Especially in light of the coming launch of my ebook, 30 Days to Make and Sell a Fabulous Ebook.
Why Write an Ebook? Four Benefits of Writing an Ebook:
There are several reasons why I feel it’s beneficial to write an ebook – whether you are a blogger, social media consultant or just an average-Joe. The benefits of putting together an ebook are huge compared to the time investment, in my experience, and I’ve often seen a higher return on investment from my ebooks then the average blog posts I write. Although it’s obviously easier to track what an ebook is doing than what a single blog post is doing for you.
1. You are able to reuse the content you have already written.
Not to say you should straight cut and paste your blog posts into an ebook format and let that be that, but not having to research a topic from scratch is a huge time saver. You can even link to blog posts from the ebook, or use the ebook as a way to expand on the post you’ve written.
2. You create an additional revenue stream for yourself.
While ebook sales do tend to taper off after awhile (I find the “shelf-life” of most ebooks to be about two years depending on the topic) you can gain an additional source of revenue from an ebook if you choose to charge for the product.
3. Reach a broader audience with your message.
Not everyone reads blogs on a regular basis. I’ve had people purchase my ebooks who would never spend time reading that same information from my blog. When it’s a topic I feel passionate about, such as pregnancy or helping women make money from home, I want that information to reach as many people as possible. So it makes sense to provide the information in an ebook format.
4. Increases personal branding and authority building.
Creating an ebook on the topics you are most passionate and out-spoken about can help solidify you as a go-to-source for others. When someone has a question about something happening in their pregnancy, or with their baby, they are likely to email me or message me on Facebook and ask me because they know I’ve written a couple ebooks about Pregnancy. Same with other topics I’ve covered via ebook; Keyword research, Web content production and Ebooks. What is YOUR topic?
These are the four main reasons for you to consider creating an ebook of your own. I know it’s tough though with everything else bloggers and online marketers have going on to make time to create an ebook or know where to start. That’s why I’m expanding the Ebook Creation section of my Making Money ebook and creating a 30 day guide to building, selling and marketing your ebook.
30 Days to Make, Market, a Sell a Fabulous Ebook is available for sale through the social ebook library at and I will be walking purchasers through the book on the private 30 Days to Make an Ebook group there! If you have not yet signed up as an affiliate, I recommend doing so to earn yourself 20% on the price of the book when you purchase through your affiliate link.
I can’t wait to help you reach your goals!
I’m working on my first eBook.
When I say ‘working on’, I mean I started it but it’s sitting somewhere on my hard drive waiting for me to get 2 spare moments to finish it.
I’m going to do my best to come to your session at Type-A and hopefully when all the hubbub of the conference has passed I’ll be able to get it finished!
I totally understand that feeling Peter – I’ve been working on this for quite a long time now but wanted to launch it in tandem with speaking on the subject.
I hope you’re able to make it to the session – it would be awesome to meet you in person and get a chance to say hello. Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you at TypeA!
The first group will be starting July 1st so if you’re interested in having accountability, access to ask questions and get responses from others, and that built in deadline factor, come join the group! 🙂
Angela <><
You are so right, Angela! While I haven’t written an ebook for money (yet), I’ve had so much fun creating them to give away for free and also benefited from the “free” ones in more ways that one. I LOVED your earlier ebook and am sure that this one too will be wonderful!
Thanks Prerna! I’m glad you’ve found my other ebook beneficial…I know you’ve worked hard to implement the ideas and suggestions there.
I’m really excited to expand this section of my Making Money ebook first because it’s the section I get the most questions about, feedback on and emails of thanks and gratitude. 🙂
I think I’m intimidated by the ebook idea. More so, intimidated by the idea of focusing and finding the time to create an ebook. Your 30 Days ebook sounds pivotal to one who is like me, yes? Sadly, July is not going to be my month. Someday, though… someday.
Wish I could see you at TypeA. Can’t wait to follow the tweets and hear about it.
July-Schmuly…you can still pick up the book and jump in anytime. 🙂 Chances are groups will be forming spontaniously throughout the year and I’ll always be lurking on the forums to jump in and answer any questions. I know also that some people will start and find themselves taking more than one day to complete a particular task…the good news is with a topic like this there is no “late” or “behind” only moving forward at the pace that is manageable for you. Some people may jump ahead, some may take three months to work through the 30 tasks. Both are equally perfect for THAT person.
Angela <
Hubby really wants to write an e-book and we’ve been talking about it a lot lately, so excited to see the Type-A discount and talk to you more!!
Oh fabulous! I’m so glad you’re coming and can’t wait to see you there!
I literally googled how to write an e-book today.
I need to get on that! Will be ordering on Friday. Go Ang!
Great writeup on the benefits of writing an ebook. Couldn’t agree more!
I have to admit that I tried writing an ebook. I had developed the overall outline, wrote some of the content myself, outsourced part of it. But when the final piece came together it somehow did not seem good enough. Also I wasn’t sure how exactly to sell it. It was in the early days of my online phase. I was not yet aware of clickbank and stuff.
What happened to it, you ask? I think it lost some of its relevance after some time. So instead of continuing with it, I decided to shelve it. Right now I am tempted to write an ebook on stock market investments (something that I am very good at), but seem to be perpetually juggling too many projects. One of these days I hope to get to it :).
Thanks again! I have yet to get started on writing my Ebook on adopting through foster care. DH is working on his family history that would be good practice for him when I enlist his help with the foster care book. 🙂
ps I enjoyed your presentation on SEO at BBC Austin!
I’ve been sitting on a couple of ebooks for a couple of years (!). One I took all the way to an editorial review and then balked because I really wasn’t happy with the content. You said over at SITS to write what you know OR are learning about. My first ebook (draft) just ended up being something cathartic for me but needs rewriting to change what I’m willing to let hang out in cyberspace forever. Then you pointed out “what topics do you write about” and I know now I have to finish rough draft #2! so I’m off to pick up your book because I already know I’ve learned a lot before reading – imagine what I’ll know after! This is exciting.