“For I know the plans I have for YOU, declares the LORD.” ~ Jeremiah 29:11
I love this verse. And lately as I’ve been pondering upcoming blog conferences, and reflecting on my times at Type-A-Mom and Blissdom, I realized that one of the things that stands out to me is how unique and diverse each blogger is. With good reason I think. WE are unique.
I told a client on a phone consultation recently, “If a reader only wanted pure information they would read the encyclopedia at the library. Your readers visit your blog because you make it unique. You are the magic ingredient that makes it special.” I think that’s a lot of what this verse in Jeremiah can tell us as bloggers.
YOUR plan does not have to look like MY plan. I’ve consulted with merchants, mommy bloggers, foodie writers, single women, unmarried men and entrepreneurs. The one common thread is that each is unique. Unique in goals. Unique in voice. Unique in desires. Unique in abilities.
And thus, the plan for each is unique!
I wonder – have you remembered that lately? Have you looked at another blog or website and got so caught up in analyzing what they were doing right and how you could duplicate that “rightness” that you lost sight of your OWN plan? The future for YOU? Perhaps, just maybe, it’s time for you to remember YOUR plan.
Totally agree! Thanks for sharing and reminding us that He is in control! 🙂
Thank you for putting this out there! Sometimes it’s enough to just blog for the sake of record keeping or sharing information with friends and family, but having a vision in mind of the story that YOU want to share really helps the words flow, doesn’t it?
I have to step away from the blogosphere sometimes to reconnect with my own purpose. The path I’m on is the right one for me, yet it’s easy to get caught up in the ‘6-figure-blogger’ chatter and start adopting strategies that simply aren’t a good personal/business fit for me. Usually a couple hours out in the garden will put me back in touch with who I am and what my business is about.
Well said! I agree totally.
I love your Thinking, Many Blogs are Hammering down our neck that we need to Use this plugin, Theme or some kind of Social Media Campaign. I just blog and sometimes my readers like sometimes they don’t but I do pay for the hosting and it is my blog and whatever I choose to publish or do with it is my plan. Thanks for making me think a little about making better long term goals and creating some.