As the founder of Untrained Housewife one of the things I initially had in mind for the site was to make it a venue for sharing the wisdom, thoughts, and opinions that other people had to share. I have been blessed to have many writers leave their bits of wisdom over the past three years – some just a post or two, and some as regular contributors. Either way, their contributions have helped me build up a site that is uniquely placed to benefit readers – by sharing true, heartfelt, and empowering stories of intentional and self-sufficient living.
And now Untrained Housewife is upping it’s game by releasing the first of what will be several guides this year. The Untrained Housewife Guide series are an exciting new book series to fill the need for beginning information for those who feel overwhelmed. When I started Untrained Housewife, it was with the realization that we have a problem in our culture….amazing, brilliant, well-educated women would walk into their kitchens and feel defeated by their pantry cupboards. Or kids’ closets. Or gardens.
What I’m realizing through my experiences both with ebooks and publishing two print books in the last year, is that there is more than one way to spread your message. And a message worth sharing, is worth sharing in multiple ways. The first Untrained Housewife Guide is about preparation. Getting Prepared: Surviving Emergencies Without Stress brings an exciting voice to this space, Robin Egerton, who has a vast life-experience with how to develop a REAL LIFE working plan for emergency preparation and long-term food storage. Real life experience without zombie-slaying-fanaticism – exactly what Untrained Housewife is all about.
The thing about this book is that we discovered a new writer. Someone who got their blogging start with Untrained Housewife and isn’t a “professional writer” with book after book to their resume. What we brought was authenticity. Someone who is living this and breathing this. Polishing was easy enough with my amazing editor and graphic designer when you’re working with a writer as passionate as Robin is!
I have five additional titles planned this year and am bringing in an amazing set of voices. Some are blogging powerhouses in their own right. Some have been quietly successful in their lives and businesses and just doing their thing with brilliance. But I’ve pinned them down, roped them into this huge goal of mine and will be publishing everything from raising fiber rabbits to running a homebased business to crafting with kids. It’s going to be a busy year for me but the Untrained Housewife brand is rapidly expanding. The message of “you can do it!” and empowering others is an important one. And I’m excited to see it grow.
Everyone knows that snow and ice can be dangerous. Not only is it dangerous for individuals who are working at or visiting your business, but also for the person doing the snow removal. By hiring a driveway snow removal company, you are able to be more safe from any harm. You would not be lifting a shovel and possibly hurting your back, and you wouldn’t get hurt by losing your balance.
I’m just so happy for you with the books coming out. This is going to be one heck of a series!
Congratulations! How exciting. I can’t wait to read it and spread the news.
SO excited for you!