I couldn’t decide what to do for my recap because of how crazy things have been since I got home. My laptop bugged out, my laundry needs to be done, and my husband started back to work. See the Blogging Song Post about how I’ve not seen the desk in over year. 😉
So you guys are going to get the boring, chronological recap, but what I really want to touch on are things that stood out to me and thoughts I have about the conference after two days to process.

Friday morning breakfast started out rough for me because Micah did not cooperate going into Kid’s Con right away. No biggie – he came to breakfast with the rest of us. 🙂 I wore a pretty red shirt from KikaPaprika and their classic fit black pants since Friday was ALSO my Speaker Dinner night. I wanted something that would look good while I was speaking and then dress up for the dinner as well.
My necklace and bracelet were from KikaPaprika as part of their fair-trade support for

women’s shelters overseas, and my earrings were an original design by Rebekah Green and didn’t involve any blood diamonds or other unfair practices. I love being able to draw attention to mom-run businesses that not only support other mothers, but support world-wide commerce that is BENEFICIAL instead of damaging.
The session I spoke at on Friday was about the million-bajillion hats of a “Mommy Blogger” and I spoke with Tara (@FeelsLikeHome) and with Shannan (@slpowell) on the panel and it was great to hear their words of wisdom. Each had a different view point or thought to bring to the topic.
Tara talked about writing on a schedule, which helps her cut back on time wasted figuring out “what will I write about today?” because she already knows. Plus, of course, we all know how much more valuable written goals can be in terms of being able to then accomplish what we need to accomplish. If it’s written and scheduled it has a proven worth and priority level.
Shannan shared about how often we as mothers take on these many, many hats all at the same time. Blogging and web writing can involve so much more than just the content production, but also the networking, PR side, marketing, website design, graphics, etc. If someone isn’t

skilled in a certain area, can you trade out with someone who is? Why do we feel like we HAVE to do everything on our own and cannot ask for help from our community?
I touched on the need for an occasional purging. Like a closet full of high-school-hand-me-downs, our to-do lists can sometimes become cluttered with the unflattering, needless, never-worn or outdated. Sometimes you have to let go in order to embrace that next step. I shared how I’d recently done that myself in order to make room The Untrained Housewife in my schedule – since my “online hours” are finite.
Take a piece of paper and fold it in half. In one column write down everything you are committed and in the other column jot down everything you gain from that position (monetary or otherwise). Place stars next to the things you are truly passionate about. The carefully consider the list and weed out anything that doesn’t really bring you a return AND you aren’t passionate about. If you don’t love it, and don’t benefit from it, why are you doing it?

And of course – at the beginning of this session I made my big public announcement – the pending arrival of Baby England #4. I was honored to have my mother, @KarisCM attending the session (and the conference!) so waited to tell her in public. She was so excited she cried, and then she was mad that she was crying in front of strangers. But it was a fun surprise and she is thrilled at the news of Grandbaby #6. 🙂
Friday’s take away for me personally was from the session @AlliWorthington and @JaniceCroze did about branding yourself. I already KNEW – but the reminder that everything we do online can be beneficial in building up our brand and presence was a timely one for me. A reminder that it’s ok to focus and hone in things. That it’s ok to approach something new that will help us move forward to where we want to be.
The Little Debbie cupcake break, and the Creative Memories photo walk were great events from two large sponsors as well. The speaker dinner I went on that night was FABULOUS and I met some really great people. Met Mr. @Suburban_Farmer and Mr. @Frelle as well as connecting with two NEW kindred spirits in @AmberRunsAmuck and @SaraSophia. All in all it was a fabulous first day to a great conference experience.
[…] Original post: Thoughts About The TypeAMom Conference – Friday […]