This verse from the Bible highlights two unique and interesting aspects of blogging that I personally find fascinating. The ability of blogging to make friends of strangers, and the amazing capacity for connections that is inherent in the genre. (Is blogging an official genre yet? We debated for too long – I think it’s official!)
Feasting at the Table
There is something very personal about sharing a meal with someone – you don’t typically invite random strangers to come and dine with you.
Yet with blogging you are able to do this very thing. I love the duality of the public and the personal natures when it comes to blogging. I share my heart in tiny pixels, and while many friends come and feast there are many strangers who come as well. The invitation is open to ANYONE who can be found! Brilliant!
Connections in Far-Off Corners
Corners of the world. Corners of the room. Hidden corners. Around the corner.Corners have an elusive mystery and aren’t typically the places we tend to frequent. It’s so easy for me to fall into my routine – see the same people every month and haunt the same places. We are, after all, creatures of habit.
Maybe that’s why this call to go to the street corners resonates to strongly with me! I love new adventures! What else would you call connecting with a kindred spirit ten thousand miles away who heard the invitation to my blogging buffet? I am constantly impressed by the amazing people I’ve connected with through blogging and online writing in general. My life is richer, and the feast more enjoyable, because of it.
Potluck Anyone?
I think potluck suppers are the best, don’t you? Everyone bringing their own contributions to the table. No one dish above any other. No one platter sufficient by itself – all combine to create a vast and amazing whole that more than satisfies anyone coming to the feast.
Isn’t the blogging community the same way? Would any one of us claim to have THE final word on a subject? No! Of course not – the collaboration and great equalization of the web is part of the appeal.
So here’s my question to you – what kind of feast are you presenting? Who have you invited to the buffet? Are you reaching out to the furthest street corners and giving your invitation?
Robin ~ PENSIEVE says
Angela, what a GREAT perspective on blogging and how it IS a feast, one that requires collaboration for it to deliver at its best. It’s an interesting perspective of living out the Great Commission, you know? The messages we give in our blogging–whether directly or indirectly–can encourage and inspire those in the faith….or ultimately to consider faith in Christ.
Just asking us questions helps us to consider the direction we’re going. I hope to be hanging out in a few corners ;).
Erica Mueller says
Angela, this is a beautiful post!
I think your 10 Habits series was a grand potluck, full of guest writers and lots of extras in the comments!
Having guest posts on my blog this year is something I really want to do, to help bring in another voice, introduce my readers to new people, and get away from always serving the same dish. 🙂
Lorie Huston says
Your post reminded me of a similar conversation I had with someone a few days ago. A fellow blogger contacted me about doing a guest blog for her website (my first guest blogger appearance…still doing the happy dance…LOL). During the conversation, we spoke about the fact that she lives in southern California and I live in Rhode Island, literally on opposite sides of the country. We would have never met or spoken if not for blogging and the web. Definitely potluck!