Write your posts with a call to action – that’s the main theme for Day 23 of 31 Days to Build a Better Blog. I used to be absolutely horrible at this. But since the last time I read this ebook I’ve begun implementing this a little more often. This is simply, tell people what […]
Give a Reader Some Personal Attention – Day 22
In this chapter of 31 Days to Build a Better Blog we learn to make a reader famous. Choose a commenter to feature in a unique and special way and increase you reader interaction on your blog. I’m fairly good at commenting on my reader’s blogs on occasions, and especially with frequent commenters, engaging them […]
Commenting on Other Blogs – Day 20
It’s probably one of the things that most bloggers are told to do right off the bat but something that tends to fall by the wayside far too easily. I know it’s certainly true for me! And while it seems odd to “schedule time” to comment on my friend’s blog, it is important to stay […]
Write an Opinion Post on Your Blog – Day 19
In 31 Days to Build a Better Blog (affiliate link)Darren talks about the fact successful bloggers are often bold enough to share their opinions – sometimes strong opinions! I’ve said it time and time again with my consultation clients….if people only wanted the facts they would read the encyclopedia. Readers come to blogs for opinions, […]
Emailing Your Blog Readers – Day 5 of Build a Better Blog in 31 Days
While this seems to be a great way to increase reader participation, I have to admit I haven’t used it much. I have used it a couple times – usually when more information was needed. For example, once I wanted to approach the commenter about clarifying something they had called me out on – it […]
Wilderness Wallflowers and Drive-By Blogging – Ten Habits of Success Day 15
Angela’s Note: I was trying to remember when I met Danny Brown and I couldn’t. I’m sure it was through Twitter so it must have been through a #journchat chat or one of the other chats I like to sit in on. Regardless of the when, I have found his advice and input to be […]
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