One of the things I attribute my success in building a viable income from home (Number 8 on the list) to is investing in myself through conferences, webinars and other learning opportunities. I know it’s not always easy to do so – but in my opinion that’s when you need it the most. I struggled […]
Blogging Success Summit 2011
As a mother of four in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma, most Blog Conferences mean time away from my family and/or tons of travel. It’s two hours to the nearest airport. If I speed. So a blog conference isn’t just right in my neck-of-the-woods. So when I found out about Blog Success Summit I knew […]
Attend BlissDom Blog Conference – Ticket Giveaway!
I went to BlissDom Blog Conference last year and spoke at one of the Wisdom Workshops. It was a fabulous experience and the entire conference was not only educational, but an amazing experience. BlissDom is a conference that pampers it’s attendees with great entertainment, fabulous keynotes and an amazing atmosphere. I’m looking forward to this […]
Blogging Session Notes Link-Up!
So, I am not the only one who has been typing up some amazing blogging conference notes from the workshops and training sessions we attended. Here is a gathering of the session recaps and blogging trainings, both here on and on other websites. From @JustHeather – Keynote Session w/Kevin Carroll – about blurring the […]
SEO Tips For Bloggers – Merging Humanity With Technique Blissdom Workshop Recap
This is the teaching outline and merged notes from the Blissdom Wisdom Workshop on SEO and Stats that was taught by Kelby Carr (@typeamom) and myself, Angela England (@AngEngland). Thanks to @econemicliving who shared her copy of the notes – the basic teaching outline was created ahead of time, but the Q & A’s came […]
Leveraging Social Media to Market Your Business – Blissdom 2010 Session Notes
This Blissdom Blogging Conference Session was Saturday morning and taught by @JulieCole, @youcanmakethis, @LisaLeonard, @Dooblehvay, @KimbaASPTL, and @JesseKateDesign. 1- Build the buzz You want people to start talking about it now 2- Be Yourself Don’t be afraid to be imperfect – just be YOU 3- Be Specific Sign up for the newsletter; ASK FOR WHAT […]
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