The story broke on AOL news while I was gone to the ranch for two days so I am STILL, two hours later, sorting through the emails, questions and comments. I did want to give some updates as much as I can, even before I finish sorting through as I realize there are several new subscribers to my site waiting for them. 🙂
Jaeli’s Condition
Per conversation with Brandy this evening: Jaeli continues to experience difficulty with her Neocate formula feeds and is not gaining on it as well as anticipated. Breast milk continues to be better tolerated per mom’s experience, but Jaeli continues on her hospital-assigned regimen under close pediatric advisory.
A Medela Donation!
Medela, one of the most well-known names in breastfeeding equipment, as graciously provided Brandy with a hospital grade pump to help her keep up her milk supply for when she nurses Jaeli directly! This wonderful offer comes just as Brandy had to return the loaner pump from the hospital as their insurance only covered it three months and then while Jaeli was in the hospital. Medela is also arranging for a specialized lactation consultant to come to Brandy’s home and help give her any additional tips and advice for keep her personal supply up – and hopefully expressing as much of her own milk as possible.
The Milk Questions
Which leads me to the milk questions. Brandy was nursing Jaeli directly whenever possible and doing much to keep her personal supply up. However, Jaeli was been increasingly fussy and refusing to nurse since her hospitalization. Additionally, she requires the prescribed and EXTRA supplemental feedings via the Gtube (I believe it’s 30 ounces per day but not sure about that figure) to help increase her weight gain. Or rather – to keep her gaining any weight at all – which is of course vital for an infant. That is why there is such a need for donated milk – Brandy wasn’t able to nurse directly AND keep up with the supplemental, prescribed feeds via Gtube.
The Donation Questions
Yes – every cent is going to the milk bank for Jaeli. I mailed a $3200 check last week and will be calling Paypal in the morning to find out if they can arrange the check/money to be sent directly to the Mother’s Milk Bank of OH from the Paypal account since it’s rather a large amount now. A few transactions are still waiting to clear so I’ll update the amount as soon as I have it finalized but right now we can safely say Jaeli is set through the end of ’09 at least. You guys are AMAZING. I love that no major corporations have helped with this. I love that is was literally HUNDREDS of private citizens – families from around the world – who made this happen. I am impressed with what God can do with a lot of littles when everyone is just going WHAT THEY CAN – whether that’s inviting friends to the Facebook Cause, or forwarding an email to your church group, or sending in $4.25 for an ounce of milk, or sending in $500….whatever each can do, when each DOES, becomes a huge and powerful thing….so much more than any ONE can do.
Donations can be sent directly to the Mother’s Milk Bank of OH – just mark “Jaeli” on the memo line! The address is rather buried on the Jaeli Page so I’m reposting it here:
Mother’s Milk Bank of OH PO Box 310 Columbus, OH 43216Or you can click the “Donate” button in the sidebar of my website – just to right – to send the donation via Paypal. Alternatively, there is a Jaeli’s Syndrome Facebook Cause page if you want to donate through the Cause page and raise awareness amongst your friends and family there.
If you are interested in donating MILK – there is a HUGE NEED. Please contact the nearest HMBANA milk bank to you – they cover the costs of testing and shipping the milk and explain how to get set up. There are SO MANY babies like Jaeli who need what these milk banks provide. I know that Brandy would be honored to hear that you are making donations to the milk banks in Jaeli’s honor.
The Media Questions
Jaeli’s story has been published at the following sites and news outlets. If you have another media outlet you’d like to see feature Jaeli’s story please email them or call them about it!
- Huliq News – Jaeli’s Syndrome: Social Media Miracle Baby
- – Twitter Saves Baby
- Well Mom – Mom’s Please for Help Races Across the Web
- Radio Interview w/@AngEngland on Why Mom’s Matter at Blog Talk Radio – “Moms Harness the Power of Social Media“
- AOL News – Social Networking Saviors
Blessings to all – I’m in awe of your response – Angela <><
I am thankful for the power of love as people everywhere reach out to support Jaeli. God is good.
John – I am also. I think it’s incredible that we did this with just “the little people”. Like the Loaves and Fishes – God has taken everyone’s gift in whatever capacity they were able to give and MULTIPLIED it! 🙂
Angela <><
I want to say thank you to you Angela personaly and also to all the folks that have donated to baby Jaeli, Lord bless you all.
I read the story on AOL last week and was deeply touched by the many that had reached out. I believe that when we read stories like Jaeli’s our hearts go out and the need to give is a MUST. my prayers are with the family.
Awesome work your are doing to raise awareness on Jaeli’s behalf. The time and effort you and all supporters have put in is such a great story. Blogging about Jaeli’s cause right now for “30 causes in 30 days #NaBloPoMo series” and will share when finished. Thanks for all you’ve done. U rock!
So grateful for caring individuals.
Last Wednesday I received a letter from Nestle’ I can say after reading it that they will never see another dime of my income…I have choices and will use them when I shop – even if my shopping is of little impact, it is mine. The letter from their staff doctor, Jose Saavedra, was unbelievable lame…undermining the parents wisdom and what they might believe and concluding the doctors have Jaeli’s best interest at heart in a way that implies the parents do not and are not closest to the situation. It is one very foolish letter that will forever have me a label reader, and never purchase a Nestle or Gerber product again.