Angela England is a Renaissance Woman with a mission to empower and educate others in a variety of ways. England is helping others through her growing knowledge of blogging, freelance writing, and social media as well as through her numerous articles and ebooks.
Angela England
Angela England is:
~ The Founder of Untrained Housewife, a quickly growing back-to basics website for active parents
~ Founder of The Oklahoma Blogging Club
~ A popular speaker on blogging, SEO and social media.
~ A freelance writer knowledgeable in a wide variety of topics.
~ The Author of Making Money Blogging – Moving Beyond Banner Ad Sales.
~ A CAPPA-trained childbirth educator and labor support doula.
~ A licensed massage therapist.
She serves as Editor-in-Chief of Blissfully Domestic online women’s magazine, is a Feature Writer at Suite101, and assists companies in spreading the word about their brand. Angela England also offers individual consultations, has written an ebook helping bloggers increase their revenue online.
As a homeschooling mother of five she tends to answer the question “How do you get it all done?” with “Lots of Dr. Pepper!” followed by a few tips on time management and organization for those trying to increase their effectiveness. Goals for the new year include yet another website project, teaching social media classes to local businesses, the birth of new milk goats this spring, and teaching her two oldest children to read.
Contact Information:
- Angela England can be reached via Twitter
- via email ang.england at yahoo dot com
- via Facebook
- via LinkedIn
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