This post was written as part of the Blog Hop Conference at Home and you can check out the other 2 dozen + conference sessions being offered at Blog Conference Newbie’s Blop Hop Conference Agenda! According to companies like Victorious, SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a way to help search engines figure out what […]
SEO Tips For Bloggers – Merging Humanity With Technique Blissdom Workshop Recap
This is the teaching outline and merged notes from the Blissdom Wisdom Workshop on SEO and Stats that was taught by Kelby Carr (@typeamom) and myself, Angela England (@AngEngland). Thanks to @econemicliving who shared her copy of the notes – the basic teaching outline was created ahead of time, but the Q & A’s came […]
Be PROactive vs Reactive – Stay in Your Circle! Ten Habits Day 5
Steven Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families describes the Circle of Concern and the Circle of Influence. I love this analogy because focusing your energy within the Circle Concern only makes those concerns grow larger without impacting your circle of INFLUENCE in any positive way. If we subscribe to the idea that […]
How Businesses Can Learn Online Skills
This has been the year of new steps for me. A year of profound growth in every area of my business. Volume, scope, reach, and more. In large part because I stayed open to learning new things – a vital attribute for success in today’s world. You can imagine then how excited I was to […]
Keyword Research is Not One-Size Fits All
Keyword Research… SEO… Writing for the Web…. The key for success with your writing online, right? Yes. Of course. But what I want to share with you today is that like different keys for different doors, so is keyword research something that you should adapt for your specific needs. Let’s take a quick look at […]
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