This session was presented by @debontherocks, @emilychats, @amberrunsamuck, and @isabelkallman on Saturday afternoon at #Blissdom 2010
Deb called us “Digital Publishers”. I love that. Love it.
Emily – Chattingatthesky.com – no ads, writes for the writing.
AlphaMom – it’s an online parenting/blog with evergreen content written in a personalized way.
Amberrunsamuck – “My blog has become a good place to come to meet me.” She meant even for HERSELF to meet her and I love that mental picture.
How do you bring out your authentic voice and personality into the blogosphere?
@isabelkallman – Lots of evergreen content – about 90% Wants to be relevant two years from now. Wants people to find you and then stay!
It takes a lot to write well and write well consistently. I look for people who can make a shopping list interesting. Who can write well and write with personality and truth and passion.
How do you create consistantly high quality writing?
Amber – Good writing is truth writing. Writing often helps to develop your own personal voice. To have an authentic voice you have to LIVE LIFE.
Find those other writers and bloggers who’s content is authentic – whether you agree with them or not you can definitely study the writing. The good writing.
Emily – questioned who she was – do I need a niche? Do I need a specific focus? Isn’t it enough to JUST WRITE? (Angela’s note – I LOVED THIS. I could very much relate to this questioning and I have determined that part of the reason I chose “Renaissance Woman” as a tag line is because I have the niche of many niches. And I’m ok with that. Now. I OWN myself, my tendencies and my personality traits. No limits!)
Quote – Howard Therman – “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive. Because what the world needs is people who are alive. ”
How do you “edit” yourself to that high quality? How do you promote to that high quality?
Writing a series and knowing what your plan is. Creating that expectation. The Linky thing – setting the expectations. Having a passion about the story. Writing for yourself and challenging yourself to push the next level. Approach those topics and be raw about those things.
@emilyspeaks – Some people don’t edit but I do. I want my writing to be well-presented and I’m very economical with my blog posts. Does each sentence say something unique.
Does it add value to the reader is the main question that Isabel asks because the site is NOT a personal blog. Has it been posted a LOT already? Or should it be re-presented because it’s an important topic. Does it add value to the reader. Does it have value. Period.
Amber suggests Aholyexperience.com – Controls her readers breathing. She continues – I don’t have “great thoughts” – if I’m not prepared as a writer to jot down a note to myself out and about, I WILL forget it. It gives me the cue for when it’s time to write and I’m not stuck staring at a blank computer screen.
Creating content throughout the week that has a designated entity or identity. Having a purpose and identity to my blog is key for knowing what to put there.
“I can’t be mother-in-law conscious when I write”
- Which post do you write that your finger quakes before hitting publish?
- Which post are you exciting to share with others?
- Which posts are you interested in reading what other people comment about your post?
- Which posts feel like WORK?
- If you could write about ANYTHING without any readers at all, what would it be?
Lindsey’s Snuggie Review is suggested by Deb (I think it was) as a review that was amazing and creative. Creativity can be an amazing review – any kind of content can be creative and interesting. π
NEVER LIMIT YOURSELF – any time you think “this is supposed to look like THIS” you are limiting your writing and your content will be less creative and less memorable.
What do you see up ahead in the struggles?
Amber – If I click on a link from my cell phone and the post is huge it’s hard to read. Being a reader of other blogs will keep you in touch with trends and changes.
Commenting on other blogs will feed the community.
In our attempt to monetize our efforts we cannot lose what made us powerful in the first place – our unedited voice. Our authentic voice. Our person and personality BEHIND the information!
Isabel – Knowledge is not the same as understanding. We have the knowledge – putting the voice with that, it helps increase UNDERSTANDING.
Emily – “I’m seeing mothers emerge as writers. Crafters emerge as small business women.”
Said she felt it an honor to see the growth in the community.
Angela’s Thoughts
I loved this session. You guys know my background is web content creation. Yet even through that I’d like to think that my personality comes through. I was thinking about all my sites – the Untrained Housewife, this blogging/writing how-to site, my coming Pregnancy and Infant site…..what is the common thread through them all.
I think the driving passion – what makes me feel alive as Emily shared – is EMPOWERING OTHERS. I love to see others take a tiny spark of fire from something I shared, and turn it into a raging powerhouse of force and energy to drive some kind of change. It is the common silver thread that connects the many-colored tapestry of my various interests and passions.
I wonder. How can I help empower you more? I want to know.
I didn’t get to go… so thank your distilling good and important content – this is so helpful!
Thanks for this great recap! Didn’t these great speakers offer such great info? Yes, I suggested both Suburban Turmoil and Fluid Pudding as two phenomenal writers who elevate product reviews because they infuse their reviews with their unique voices and a high-quality, often humorous or personable, and therefore incredibly memorable way. Good reviews like theirs remind me that everything that we might consider buying says something about who we are as a culture, a family, a woman.
So much appreciation for Isabel, Emily and Amber, and for your recap! Thanks.
Great info! I am looking forward to all of your recaps. Glad to have ya back!
βDonβt ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive. Because what the world needs is people who are alive. β I love that line and that idea. It really spoke to me for some reason.
Regarding editing, I can’t write a blog post without editing it. I’m just too anal for that. But I do think an edited post or article can still convey personality and uniqueness. At least, I’d like to think so.
I agree with you ever so much about empowering others. I’ve always thought of it as educating rather than empowering but I think it’s the same concept. In my case, empowering pet owners to provide optimal care for their pets based on educated decision making. Yep, I like the sound of that π
Blissdom sounds like it was definitely worth the trip. I can’t wait to hear more π
Hi! Thanks so much for this, I linked to you in my part 1 recap of Blissdom. It was really nice to meet you there and navigate our way to lunch!
Thank you for making me feel like I was in the room. I loved Isabel’s comment on knowledge and understanding.
Very interesting! Thanks for sharing this with us. Looking forward to future posts/recaps.
This was my favorite panel. Loved how authentic each of the women were, you know that is what you get on their blog.
Thanks so much for the recap! It’s nice to hear what actually came out, as I can get so stuck in my head on stuff like this. what a blessing and honor it was to speak with these smart, talented women. I look forward to more recaps as you find time to write them!
Thanks for sharing this with all of us who couldn’t be there, Angela. Very valuable inputs and ideas.
Jenny, Cheryl, Lorie and all the “didn’t make it to Blissdom” readers – I’m glad you’re finding the notes helpful! I tried to get really detailed notes of the sessions I was able to attend for you. And for me. Thankfully I type fast!
Deb – you rocked as a moderator – thanks for clarifying/expanding the reviewers you find interesting to read. That’s SO important I think. To constantly ask – how can we keep it real, be genuine, and be creative even when doing the ordinary.
Emily – I remember that feeling! Every. time. I speak. I wonder – what did they HEAR? Lol! I LOVED that you, too, don’t feel defined by any one particular niche. It was something I worried about for awhile. Now I own it, and proudly. Thank you.
It was a great conference and the chance to meet all the amazing women that I did was priceless. I only wish I’d had another four days to meet EVERYONE. π
I LOVE YOU. There I said it. It’s out and now the world knows the truth! π Thank you so much for these notes! I only wish I had gotten as much out of the session that I attended while you were being rocked with Content is Queen.
I get a strong sense that I don’t need to change a think in terms of the kind of content and voice that I’m offering my readers.
It was such a pleasure to meet you and thank you for these notes. The session went by so quickly that I couldn’t believe we had spent an hour up there. Thank you, thank you.